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D4 provides assistance to community groups wishing to influence and improve large scale development projects in their neighborhood. To date, D4 has assisted four on-the-ground campaigns seeking to establish community benefit agreements of some kind. For inquiries about how D4 can assist your area's community benefits campaign, please e-mail

Corridors Alliance

The Corridors Alliance (CA) is a coalition of Detroiters working to bring community benefits to residents and other stakeholders within a 45-block catalyst area slated for over a billion dollars in investment including the Little Caesars Arena, hotels, housing, and ancillary development projects. Campaign work-to-date has included developing a preliminary platform of requested benefits through a variety of community engagement strategies, successfully advocating for an expanded definition of “local community”  and helping form a Neighborhood Advisory Committee that is working with the developer as phases of the projects move forward.

Photo by Rick Briggs*

Photo by Tony Leja*

Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition

The community-led Southwest Detroit Community Benefits Coalition (CBC) has been working to identify the community’s needs for mutually beneficial development in exchange for hosting a proposed $1.8 billion international bridge project. The New Gordie Howe Bridge will bring economic growth to the Detroit region as well as redevelopment to the neighborhoods of Southwest Detroit. The CBC is working to negotiate a Community Benefits Agreement that addresses jobs and business opportunities, housing, health, environmental concerns, and other quality of life issues for those impacted by the project.

West Grand Boulevard Collaborative Community Coalition

D4 is supporting the West Grand Boulevard Collaborative Community Coalition (WGBC3) in their negotiations with Henry Ford Hospital Systems relating to the hospital’s proposed south campus expansion which will include a  cutting-edge Cancer Center and hundreds of units of new construction housing. D4 assisted WGBC3 in securing Detroit’s first negotiated agreement between a community group and a developer in 2014; a signed Letter of Understanding with Cardinal Health, a medical supply distribution center built in the community. 

State Fairgrounds Development Coalition

D4 is actively assisting the State Fairgrounds Development Coalition (SFDC) in their efforts to advocate for the highest and best use of the former Michigan State Fairgrounds. D4 is engaging neighborhoods near the fairgrounds and connecting them with transit and environmental sustainability experts to forge a profitable and equitable solution for the fairgrounds site. D4 is also identifying additional partners and resources that can support the SFDC including Michigan State University, which is assisting the outreach and engagement of neighborhoods immediately south and east of the fairgrounds.

Photo by Andrew Jameson*

*Photos provided throigh Public License and have not been modified by D4. Our use of these photos does not necessarily imply political endorsement by the photographers. 

Doing Development Differently in Metro Detroit 

4750 Woodward Ave, Suite 401

Detroit, MI 48201

(313) 986-1726


© 2021 Doing Development Differently in Metro Detroit  

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